Discuss the classes you are considering taking with your counselor, and check with the college to make sure the class will transfer.
Fill out a MCCC application (if you have not previously applied) and obtain a transcript with test scores (if applicable) from the Counseling Office and take both of these items to turn in when taking the Accuplacer Test (if required).
If you have not taken the SAT or ACT test you will need to go to the college and take the Accuplacer Test.
ACCUPLACER TEST IS GIVEN AT MCCC, test dates and times vary
For information phone: 384-4144
Visit www.monroeccc.edu → MYWEBPAL → Applicants and Guests → Course Schedule and check to see if the class is still open.
Complete a Dual Enrollment form and have your counselor and the principal sign it.
Turn the completed form into your high school counselor
Bring the final registration statement to the AHS Counseling Office after you receive it in the mail from MCCC. YOUR SCHEDULE CANNOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT THIS REGISTRATION STATEMENT BEING SUBMITTED.